There’s a town meeting on this; 7:30pm Wednesday 19th June, in the Methodist lower hall.

With recent ‘climactic’ events in parliament, media and public, many things previously unthinkable, now suddenly seem achievable! Change in our emissions, environment and communities is now urgent, but our concern and ambition have also dramatically increased. Who would have dreamed a few weeks ago that all parliament would declare a climate emergency, and a global science panel (IPBES) announce that species loss seriously threatens our future?

The town meeting will discuss these points:

  • Should Chipping Norton declare a climate and ecological emergency?

  • What actions can we take locally, as ‘our part’ in UK’s response?

  • Should Chippy hold a citizens assembly, to devise measures that work for all?

  • Can we come together on a timely local strategy for this?

There’ll be a short address from Oxford climate modelling expert Karsten Haustein, a platform for some local youngsters to express concerns and wishes for their future, a Q&A and brief group discussions to review our thoughts and feelings. Come and share your ideas and views!

If any queries, email


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