Latest renovation update

PLEASE EXCUSE US AS WE RENOVATE OUR TCN ONLINE HOME. 😉 Looking for current TCN activities? Check our Facebook pages: TCN news: Our youth projects:

Notice of our 2024 AGM

Please do come and join us on Saturday 28th September 3pm for our second AGM! This will be held at Chipping Norton Lower Town Hall. If you have been to any of our events or are interested in what we do please come along and join us to learn more about our work and help shape what we do. If you are interested in becoming a trustee or volunteering with us please get in touch Read more…

Pete Sudbury’s climate talk

It was great to hear Pete Sudbury’s hard-hitting climate science talk last night in Chipping Norton. You can catch up with the presentation slides at, and view a recording (of the first 45 mins) on our Youtube Channel .

Wild Food Foraging

Join our informal group of ‘Cotswolds Foragers’ – people who enjoy exploring and learning what wild foods are good to each, how to engage responsbibly in using wild foods, and just appreciating the amazing local surroundings where they grow! You can find some brief notes about foraging in this document: To join the Cotswolds Foragers WhatsApp group, email

A vision for friendly fun cycling in Chippy

By getting safely into cycling, we can make our town and neighbourhoods more fun, healthy, friendly and safe! Our vision and strategy document, written for the Town Council, can be found here, along with a number of other useful resources in this folder. We need more people to join our team and make this happen – do get in touch via our Facebook page or email

Can Chipping Norton be a Sustainable Enterprise Town?

“Nothing ever changes in Chippy”. Disillusioned locals have said this for decades. Yet 400 years ago, the small settlement of Norton won its independence and transformed itself into a citizen-run enterprise zone. ‘Chipping’ comes from an Old English word referring to commerce. It speaks of economic enterprise – using and sharing available resources for citizens’ prosperity and security. The resources they had were far less than we have today. And their actions were sustainable – Read more…

Great showing at the Town Meeting on the Climate/Ecology Emergency

Great to see so many people and such enthusiasm at the Town Meeting on the Climate and Ecology Emergency last Wednesday. Here is Dr Karsten Haustein’s very stimulating talk: the future of our climate is in our hands! Lots of great suggestions too from the discussion time – here’s the full list (thanks to Ben for transcribing and organising this so well): If we’re serious about ‘our bit’ meeting the Emergency, there’s lots to do Read more…

Clean Air for Chippy – join the Action Group

A newly re-vitalised Action Group, ‘Clean Air for Chippy’, will pursue effective action to keep dangerous and polluting HGVs out of our town centre. There’s a link to a very clear presentation describing the problem, here. You can sign a petition, here. A very active and determine group has already started working but we need more people to help record traffic and assist with other actions – if you can spare an hour or more, Read more…

Should Chipping Norton declare a Climate and Ecology Emergency?

There’s a town meeting on this; 7:30pm Wednesday 19th June, in the Methodist lower hall. With recent ‘climactic’ events in parliament, media and public, many things previously unthinkable, now suddenly seem achievable! Change in our emissions, environment and communities is now urgent, but our concern and ambition have also dramatically increased. Who would have dreamed a few weeks ago that all parliament would declare a climate emergency, and a global science panel (IPBES) announce that Read more…