We’re in a climate and ecology emergency, and like others across the UK and worldwide, Chippy people want to help! Here you can learn about the recent Town Meeting where we heard about the issues, and discussed what we can do locally – see the Town Meeting pages. Here also is where you can join in the action — we need ‘All Hands on Deck’! Fill in the short Survey (we need your mandate for action), sign up to stay in touch by periodic emails, and register with our Facebook page. Lots to learn, lots to do – it’s going to be a quite a ride!
Town Meeting – at least 100 people gathered to hear about the Climate and Ecology emergency, and discuss what role Chippy people can have in tackling it. Find out more on these pages: tiny.cc/townmeet
Town Survey – register your views on the best direction, and give us a mandate for action by completing this short survey – click here: tiny.cc/tcnsurv.
Sign up for emails – click here: tiny.cc/tcnemail.
Join an action – see Actions on this site for more info and options
Join the discussion; stay in touch on Facebook: FB.com/TransitionChippingNorton